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About Us

Hi, I'm Elizabeth. I'm so glad that you stopped in. I'd like to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about how Engrafted Gifts came to be. I fill the following rolls: wife, mama, friend, domestic diva, nurse, and business owner. In my free time the things that feed my soul are: creating things for our home, repurposing old furniture, reading, cooking, and serving others. In my adult years I have pursued a lot of husband likes to say, " I've chased a lot of squirrels" and he is right. I've opened businesses, obtained degrees, received promotions, worked 12 hours shifts, etc...  I pursued many of these ambitions out of fear, insecurity, for financial gain, and even pride but, because of this no matter how hard I tried or how much effort I put into balancing all these things at the end of the day I was exhausted and those I loved the most received the least. So, what did I do you ask? I QUIT...  I quit it all. If the Lord hadn't laid it on my heart that I was called to be doing something or it didn't align with the purpose He had placed in my heart or in His word.. it was out. Can anyone hear me yelling "Liberation?" The Lord had been whispering to me for years that I could trust Him and rely on Him instead of myself but, I didn't listen. It took a "shovel moment" months ago to finally obey. During this time of regrouping He has laid it on my heart to encourage others to "engraft" your lives with good things. Just like a weak tree can have an engrafted branch that bears much fruit, I believe our lives are the same (James 1:21). Engrafted Gifts mission is to provide gifts and products that are intentional, inspired, and encouraging, and to deliver them with excellence because those we love truly deserve so much more.


Elizabeth and family